Energy Saving Lighting Upgrade

The new lighting in situe (off and on)

The Project

We were asked to undertake an energy review for a global plastics manufacturing company.

We installed energy monitoring equipment throughout their sites. This allowed us to gain an energy usage profile for each area of their facilities.

Once we had this data, we then proceeded to look at how and when the buildings were occupied, and how each area of the site was utilised by the staff.

It quickly became apparent that the warehouses were using 70,000 kWh of energy per month. This was down to two factors. The lighting system was made up of old sodium and metal halide light fittings and were controlled by a manual switch and contactor arrangement.

The Solution

We collaborated with the our supplier’s lighting engineer to produce a scheme for the lighting and suggested to our client that the lights should only operate automatically once the aisle in the warehouse becomes occupied.

The roof height of this project was 24 m and narrow aisles at 1.4 m wide, this required us to fit specialist sensors in each fitting, so that each fittings could be individually, programmed and actuated. This meant only the lights within the warehouse operatives working envelope were required to be on. By doing this we managed to reduce overall energy consumption by 85%, giving the client a ROI of just 14 months. 

The Installation

We installed the light fittings whilst the warehouse was still in full operation. We liaised with the client daily to alter our working pattern in such a way as to not hinder their stock movements whilst ensuring stringent safety measures in place.


The old lighting

Energy Analysis

If you would like us to undertake an energy analysis of your facility and to see where you could make significant improvements, please get in touch.

Some Further Images Of This Project

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